SeriousComplicationsLinked to Paragard IUDs
The Paragard IUD is a popular non-hormonal contraceptive device that uses copper to prevent pregnancy. It is designed to last up to 10 years, offering long-term birth control without the use of hormones. However, despite its benefits, many women have reported serious complications during the removal of the Paragard IUD, leading to lawsuits against the device’s manufacturer. These lawsuits claim that the Paragard IUD is prone to breaking during removal, causing significant health risks and requiring invasive surgeries to remove the broken pieces.
If you or a loved one has suffered complications from the Paragard IUD, you may be entitled to compensation. At Law Experts LLP, our Paragard IUD lawsuits attorneys are committed to helping women who have been harmed by defective medical devices seek justice and hold manufacturers accountable. Fill out the questionnaire on this page to find out if you qualify today.