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DefectiveHerniaMeshLinked to Severe Complications

Have you recently undergone a hernia surgery and then experienced issues related to your implanted hernia mesh? Did you know that if you were injured by defective hernia mesh or failed hernia mesh products, you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries and financial losses from the company that produced the mesh? At Law Experts, we want to help you understand why hernia mesh fails and what you can do if a defective product has injured you.

Statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics indicate that over five million Americans suffer from hernias annually. While hernias may not generally be life-threatening, they can impact the quality of a person’s life and their ability to complete daily tasks. Sometimes, the best way to treat a hernia is by implanting a hernia mesh or a hernia patch to help reinforce weak or missing tissue. Unfortunately, some hernia mesh products can jeopardize a person’s health and safety and have been the subject of recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration recalls.

You may have legal options open to you. Let our hernia mesh lawyers help you explore those options and hold careless manufacturers and medical device companies responsible for their actions.

What Is a Hernia?

Hernias are most common in the abdomen and groin. A hernia occurs when an internal organ pushes through the muscle or tissues surrounding and containing it. Typically, hernias occur when the tissue surrounding the organ weakens or the tissue is damaged. Most hernias appear as an odd bulge on the abdomen or groin area. Although hernias may not be severe or life-threatening, over time, the organ can get stuck in the hole in the tissue and may not return to its original position in the body. The problem can cause pain and, in significant cases, may result in a loss of blood supply to that area of the organ, causing tissue death. Hernias can worsen over time and may need surgical intervention to repair and prevent further damage.

Common Types of Hernias

Numerous types of hernias can impact different organs and areas of the body. Some of the most common types of hernias include:

  • Inguinal hernia – Inguinal hernias are one of the most commonly diagnosed types of hernias. These injuries occur when part of the intestine or bowel pushes through a weak area in the abdominal muscles. These hernias tend to be more common in men than women and are especially painful when bending over or lifting objects.
  • Hiatal hernia – A Hiatal hernia occurs when the top of the stomach, or sometimes the esophagus, bulges through an opening in the diaphragm and into the chest.
  • Umbilical hernia – When part of the intestines poke through weak muscles in the abdomen near the belly button, you have an umbilical hernia. Umbilical hernias are typically congenital and present from birth.
  • Incisional hernia – An incisional hernia tends to occur following a surgical procedure. When an incision site weakens, internal organs can seep through the weakened tissue.
  • Ventral hernia – These hernias occur in the front wall of the abdomen and can include umbilical or incisional hernias.
  • Femoral hernia – Less common than other hernia types, a femoral hernia appears in the groin when fatty tissue or the bowel gets forced through a weak point in the muscles around the groin or inner thigh.
  • Perineal hernia – Perineal hernias happen when an organ forces through weak or damaged tissue in the pelvic floor.

Different types of hernias can cause different symptoms. Hernias often appear as unusual bulges or lumps under the skin on the abdomen or groin. Sometimes, the bulge is always present; in other situations, it only appears when a person is in a particular position or engaging in specific activities. People may also feel pain, pressure, or a dull aching, especially during exercise and strenuous activities.

What Is HerniaMesh?

Most hernias do not require intense medical intervention to treat. However, there are situations where surgery is the best option for preventing internal organs from pushing through weak or damaged tissue. Surgical mesh is a medical device that provides additional support to that weak or damaged tissue, helping to keep the internal organs where they belong, inside the area, instead of pushing through in a hernia recurrence.

There are generally two types of surgical mesh: mesh made from organic components like animal-derived materials or synthetic mesh. Synthetic mesh is made from man-made compounds and can be absorbable or non-absorbable by the body. Non-absorbable mesh can remain in the body indefinitely and provides permanent tissue reinforcement.

Animal-derived hernia mesh comes from animal tissue, typically treated pig or cow material. Animal-derived hernia mesh products are always absorbable and weaken over time as they’re absorbed by the human body. These surgical mesh products reinforce weak tissue. It is not a long-term solution to a hernia problem. Instead, it is a short-term fix, giving the body time to strengthen its damaged or weak internal tissue.

Problems with HerniaMeshand FDA Recalls

Unfortunately, numerous people have been negatively affected when their hernia mesh implant failed, leading to significant injuries and additional surgical procedures. Counterfeit surgical hernia mesh products, defective product designs, defective product manufacturing, and improper or incorrect product labeling are a few of the problems that have led to individuals filing lawsuits against the makers and manufacturers of specific hernia mesh brands. Some of the brands at the heart of hernia mesh lawsuits include:

  • Atrium
  • Bard Davol
  • Ethicon
  • Covidien

Additionally, many hernia mesh products have been the subject of U.S. Food and Drug Administration recalls, including:

Defective and improperly labeled hernia mesh implants can cause ongoing medical problems and complications. Those impacted by defective products may be able to seek compensation from the manufacturer for their injuries.

Injuries Caused by HerniaMesh

Defective hernia mesh implants can cause more harm than good. Many patients with defective hernia mesh implants require additional surgeries and can experience significant complications related to the implant. Many of the reported complications and injuries caused by surgical hernia mesh include:

Is CompensationAvailable?​

Were you diagnosed with a hernia? Did you undergo surgery to have hernia mesh implanted, only for that mesh to cause significant health complications down the road? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and hernia mesh complication-related financial losses.

The value of a hernia mesh lawsuit varies. An experienced lawyer can evaluate your situation and help accurately calculate your financial losses. However, in general, those injured by defective hernia mesh can attempt to pursue compensation for the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

In specific situations, patients may also receive punitive damages. Punitive damages do not compensate you for your financial losses. Instead, they are a form of financial punishment in which the company or individual is ordered to pay money because of their malicious or egregious behavior. Only a skilled attorney can help determine the value of your losses and whether you may be entitled to additional money for punitive damages.

How do you know if you qualify to pursue compensation for a hernia mesh case? You can fill out this simple questionnaire to see if you may be eligible to seek money for your injuries, such as medical bills and lost wages. An experienced attorney can also review your situation and outline your legal rights and options for seeking compensation to help get your life back on track.

Reach Out to an Experienced HerniaMeshAttorney for Help Today​

You trust your doctor. Your doctor trusts medical device companies and manufacturers. When these companies fail to protect doctors and patients and distribute defective or harmful products, they deserve to be held accountable for their actions. You deserve money for any losses you suffer as a result of the harm you suffered from their product.

Has a failed hernia mesh implant device significantly impacted your life? You need to contact an experienced attorney with Law Experts today for help. We are committed to giving clients effective and responsive legal representation. Let us help you navigate the legal process and pursue fair compensation and justice for you and your family. Complete this short questionnaire to learn more and see whether you qualify to file a hernia mesh lawsuit.

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